Solo Album

Note from Shen­shen: released in Jan. 2019, my solo album SERENITYis a col­lec­tion of tra­di­tion­al Pipa (Chi­nese-lute) mas­ter­pieces. I felt the music mis­sion that call­ing upon on me for many years, which is to reserve and car­ry on my moth­er­land cul­ture as part of world tra­di­tion­al her­itage. Dur­ing the pro­duc­tion, I was real­ly enjoyed the whole process of re-study­ing the mas­ter works, and appre­ci­at­ing how beau­ti­ful they are with my lat­est inter­pre­ta­tion from the bot­tom of my heart.

Check them out Here/Buy CD Here

Duet Album

TheSHENS­duoalbum, released under the Inno­va Record­ings in Feb. 2024, show­cas­es eight orig­i­nal pipa duet works com­posed and per­formed by Shen­shen Zhang and Sophia Shen, with a vision that ded­i­cat­ing to orig­i­nal­i­ty and authen­tic­i­ty, cre­at­ing genre-blend­ing com­po­si­tions and engag­ing with a world­wide audi­ence. It is cur­rent­ly acces­si­ble on var­i­ous stream­ing plat­forms, includ­ing Apple Music, Spo­ti­fy, and the iTunes Store.