San Francisco Symphony “CURRENTS”

Recent­ly, I was hon­ored to be invit­ed to San Fran­cis­co Symphony(SFS) CURRENTS series, col­lab­o­rat­ed with the great host and cura­tor Michael Mor­gan, tal­ent­ed SFS musi­cians Amos Yang (Cel­lo), Jie Liu (Vio­la), Jes­si­ca Fel­lows (Vio­lin) for Bright Sheng’s Pipa Quar­tet, and the fan­tas­tic SFS team mem­bers… it was a won­der­ful work and expe­ri­ence, very grateful!

SFS CURRENTS is a four-part video series and com­pan­ion pod­cast series, telling the sto­ries and shar­ing the music of Bay Area com­mu­ni­ties, by high­light­ing clas­si­cal music chang­ing and sym­bi­ot­ic rela­tion­ship with vital influ­ences and influ­encers in Chi­nese, jazz, Mex­i­can, and hip-hop cul­tures. Please vis­it San Fran­cis­co Sym­pho­ny for oth­er episodes.