Bridge Chamber Virtuosi Released New Album

Bridge Cham­ber Vir­tu­osi (vio­lin­ist Wei He from SF Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music, vio­list Jay Liu from SF Sym­pho­ny, and cel­list Amos Yang from SF Sym­pho­ny) new album has just released at the end of 2014! The CD col­lects Bright Sheng Sev­en Tunes Heard in Chi­na, Lei Liang Gobi Can­ti­cle, Dohnanyi Ser­e­nade in C, and Chen Yi Ning. I was for­tu­nate to have such a won­der­ful chance to work with them, and did Chen Yi’s “Ning”, for vio­lin, cel­lo and pipa trio as this work’s pre­miere recording.IMG_1612